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CourseS Taught:

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â—† BU 101 Introduction to Business– 10 weeks course (classroom) Bauder College/Kaplan

â—† BUS261- Organizational Behavior – 10 weeks course (classroom) Bauder College/Kaplan

â—† BUS 1Business Management/Entrepreneurship- - 5weeks course (classroom) AIU

â—† BUS 241 Advertising-10 weeks course (classroom) Bauder College/Kaplan

â—† BUS 261- Organizational Behavior-10 weeks course (classroom) Bauder College/Kaplan

â—† BUS 252—Production Management- 10 weeks course (classroom) Bauder College/Kaplan

â—† BUS 247 –International Business- 5weeks course (classroom/Direct Study (online) AIU

â—† BUS 301- Entrepreneurship- 10 weeks course (classroom) Bauder College/Kaplan

â—† BUSI 303- International Business- 8 weeks (online) Liberty University

â—† BUS 362- Small Business Global Operations– 10 weeks course (classroom) Bauder College/Kaplan

â—† BUS 362- Small Business Global Operations– 10 weeks course (classroom) Bauder College/Kaplan

â—† BUS 365- International Business– 8 weeks course (Online) Liberty University

â—† BUS 441- Public Relations- 10 weeks course (classroom) Bauder College/Kaplan

â—† BUS 450- Labor Relations- 10 weeks course (classroom) Bauder College/Kaplan

â—† COM 203 –Organizational Communication -10 weeks course (classroom/Online) Bauder College/Kaplan

â—† CRT/201- Critical Thinking- 9 weeks course (online) University of Phoenix

â—† ENG 099-Developmental English-5weeks course (classroom) AIU

â—† FAM 122/BUS 312 – Sales and Consumer Motivation/Salesmanship- 10-week course (classroom) Bauder College/Kaplan

â—† GEN105/IT 105 -Skills for Learning in an Information Age- 9 weeks course- (online) University of Phoenix

â—† IBS450-Marketing-- 5weeks course (classroom) AIU

â—† MGT 201 Principles of Management I and II-10 weeks course (classroom) Bauder College/Kaplan

â—† MGT 203 Principles of Management II-10 weeks course (classroom) Bauder College/Kaplan

â—† MGT 210 & 310-Supervision and Leadership- 9 weeks course (online) University of Phoenix

â—† MGT 301- Leadership-10 weeks course (classroom) Bauder College/Kaplan

â—† MGT/340- Organizational Theory and Behavior- 9 weeks course (online) University of Phoenix

â—† MGT/350- Effective Management of Information Technology-- 5weeks course AIU

â—† MGT/255 & 355- Political Legal and Ethical Issues in Business- 9 weeks course (online) University of Phoenix

â—† MKT 202-Marketing 201/202-10 weeks course (classroom) Bauder College/Kaplan

â—† MKT 202- Social Media Marketing (classroom) Bauder College/Kaplan

â—† MT 209- Small Business Management-10 weeks course (classroom) Bauder College/Kaplan

â—† MT 219 Marketing -10 weeks course (classroom) Bauder College/Kaplan

â—† MT 320- Research and Presentation-10 weeks course (classroom) Bauder College/Kaplan

â—† MT 435- Operations Management-10 weeks course (classroom) Bauder College/Kaplan

â—† MT 460- Management Policy and Strategy--10 weeks course (classroom) Bauder College/Kaplan

â—† MT 465-Multicultural Management-10 weeks course (classroom) Bauder College/Kaplan  



Pearson Education: "How to marketing your business through Social Media" 2010

Amazon University: Marketing you Business through Social Media 2016

Top Hat: "Social Media Marketing for Business" 2017



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